Improve your website with these 3 Google Analytics reports

Are you tired of poor website performance? Google Analytics is here to help! With even a basic level of Google Analytics knowledge, you can learn how to get that helpful, behind-the-screens look into your website performance. 

The free Google Analytics for Beginners course shows you the value of the Audience, Acquisition and Behavior reports, and tells you how to improve your site based on your users habits and your content performance. 

Here’s a glimpse into what each report has to offer. 


The Audience report is more than just demographics. With only a quick glance at this report, you can learn what systems your audience is using, what their interests are, how they engage with your website, and many more valuable marketing insights. 

One important metric is Location feature under the Geo tab. With your mouse hovering over an interactive world map, you have the world at your fingertips; literally. You can click to learn which regions your audience is located in, and get a sneak peek at their behaviors on your website.  



Have you ever wondered if your email blasts actually bring in traffic to your website? How about your social posts? If you’re not sure how to capitalize on your outreach efforts, look no further. There’s no need to keep stabbing in the dark with marketing and advertising. 

The Acquisition report can tell you where your uses are coming from, whether that be ads or organic searches. It also tells you what channels have the biggest conversion rates.

For example, if only 10% of your users are coming from social media, but these users give your the highest revenue, maybe you should expand your social media team to capitalize on the market.

top channels aquisition


How engaged are your users? This is what the Behavior report answers. Gone are the days of guessing which pages perform better than others, and which pages prompt the user to leave. 

This report also can tell you which content is performing better and causing the most user interaction. If you find that a certain page on your site has a high exit rate, perhaps you should consider re-configuring and optimizing that page. 

Although all of this information is great, the best part is that there is so much more to learn. Knowledge is power. Google Analytics Academy has the free fuel your website needs to launch yourself into the competitive market. So what are you waiting for? Start your free course today. 

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