4 Tips To Create Engaging Content

Producing engaging content can be incredibly challenging in a time where we are overwhelmed with information every day. Don’t worry though I am here to help guide you with these tips on creating engaging content for your audience.

Have A Goal

Think about what the purpose of your content is and what you want your audience to do with that content. It could be to increase your following, amount of shares, or to increase website traffic. Defining your goal is important for determining how you will measure success.

Know Your Audience

Knowing the demographics and psychographics of your audience is critical when determining what kind of content to create or curate. Research is your best friend and is quite easy to do these days with analytics. Here are some things to think about before producing content:
• Who is your audience?
• What are their personality characteristics?
• What is their lifestyle?
• What are their activities and interests?
• What channels can you find them on?
• What motivates them?
• What fears do they have?

Use Visuals

When you think about the most popular social media platforms, they all have strong visual components. Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text, making visual imagery crucial. One way to incorporate visuals and still ensure your message is clear is to use infographics.

Tell A Story

Storytelling helps you connect with your audience. The cool thing about storytelling is that it can be through visual imagery, video, or writing. However you decide to tell your story, the goal is to get an emotional response from your audience, such as joy, anger, sadness, fear, or anticipation.

Call To Action

A call to action encourages your audience to do something. The action depends on your goal and can come in different forms. It could be to follow a page, share a post, or a link to a blog, which is a great way to increase engagement amongst your audience.

Have some tips of your own? Share them below!

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